Peppa Pig Fanon Wiki
Peppa Pig Fanon Wiki

This is so cracktastic, oooh!!

I wish i was dead


previous: cracktacklepop

next: peppawfullllllly awfully


Peppa is standing on top of the Peppa pig logo. she jumps down

Peppa: i'm gay

Peppa: *standing on the logo again* Peppa pig *snorts at full volume*

Daddy pig: *snorts*

Daddy pig: *snorts forever*

Peppa: *saying title card* Peppantidisestablishmentarianism.

Narrator: It is daytime. Peppa and george are fucking asleep. 

Mummy pig: Goodnight my little piggies

Peppa: fuck!

Daddy pig: Goodfuck *closes door*

Peppa: George?

George: *snort*

Peppa: George i wanna know a secret

George: *snorty mcshorty*

Peppa: Hey george georgy ol pal dude bro good

George: Pancakes?

Peppa: YEs!!!!


*peppa and george are suddenly in the kitchen*

Peppa: First, we need the butter

Peppa: *adds three sticks of butter to a bowl*

Peppa: And then we need a whole lot of....

Peppa: *suddenly pouring 15 bags of pancake mix to the bowl* BAAAAATTTTTTTTTTEEEERRRRR

George: Brontosaurus.

Peppa: Then i think you put it in the oven. 

George: *licks*

8 seconds later.

Peppa: The pancakes are done! 

a perfect plate of pancakes is shown sitting on the table

George: *paul blart meme snort*

Peppa: Now we have to EAT!

*intenst eating*

Peppa: george are you okay

George: Peppa

Peppa: Are you okay

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Deep downstairs mcdit

Peppa pig is a children's cartoon show

If a young child looks up peppa pig chances are they'll find some terrible sin from this wiki. that makes me sad
Children deserve a fun experience on the internet
And who are we to take that away from them